Wednesday, May 5, 2010



After walking away from the game over a week ago I logged in to find I've been the target of a farming mission. So... I've gone from 7.5 million might to 1.9, lost every troop I've trained over that time, and watched EVERYONE in my alliance lose interest just as I have. Basically.... this game is fun for awhile but let's face it.... so many bugs... so many challenges.... no way to conquer anything effectively.... I officially throw in the towel on KoC.

I won't be updating the mapping application, or fielding any more questions regarding it. I'll leave the link up indefinitely so others can continue to benefit - but I recommend These guys clearly have more commitment to the game than I.

So it is said, I enjoyed making the tool, and the others I never released (nor will). The automatic co-ordinate attacker, auto-trainer, auto-reinforce..

Good luck everyone. I wish you all the best.



  1. so sad , really hope u could stay .
    i really love ur mapping tool.

    if u really must go , could u pls do a final update .

    pretty pls ^ ^

  2. yes... this would be great... I just started another new domain... would be great to have this.

  3. well, if at any time you feel like sharing any of those tools, drop me a line at with KoC in title. You can even set your terms as to how much you want it to be shared or not shared.
    Great work, and shame to see you go.
