Thursday, May 6, 2010

Final Update

Well, here's the final update.

KoC has upgraded again and added the Leaderboard function. You can now search for players and alliances from directly in the game!

So.. run the tool (if it doesn't work for you send me an e-mail - I'll send you the source code and you can tweak to your hearts content). After all, all it's good for now is mapping barb camps and wilds, which never change co-ordinates anyway (well, plains are another matter)

In a weird way, I walk away from the game feeling I contributed to making a difference. Glad I could help others.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010



After walking away from the game over a week ago I logged in to find I've been the target of a farming mission. So... I've gone from 7.5 million might to 1.9, lost every troop I've trained over that time, and watched EVERYONE in my alliance lose interest just as I have. Basically.... this game is fun for awhile but let's face it.... so many bugs... so many challenges.... no way to conquer anything effectively.... I officially throw in the towel on KoC.

I won't be updating the mapping application, or fielding any more questions regarding it. I'll leave the link up indefinitely so others can continue to benefit - but I recommend These guys clearly have more commitment to the game than I.

So it is said, I enjoyed making the tool, and the others I never released (nor will). The automatic co-ordinate attacker, auto-trainer, auto-reinforce..

Good luck everyone. I wish you all the best.
