Saturday, April 17, 2010

Well, Easy come... Easy Go....

** Note: CHECK THE INSTRUCTIONS. You no longer send marches to get the Live HTTP header data. Use your map :) **

If you're in the mist - you're as good as hidden (well... now everyone needs to attack you!)

A recent update to KoC has rendered the exploit used to uncover 'Cities in the Mist' useless. So, I have updated the app to simply record them as 'Protected' and move on. It continues to chart all the wilds, barbs, cities etc that aren't covered in Mist.

I have added support for MySpace users. I completely forgot the game was on there :)

I've been asked for a Mac version. Regrettably I have no Mac nor the programming experience on them. KoCTools.Com is still a good option for you.

In hindsight, I kind of --support-- the Mist. Players that are 'bullies' won't use it because the Mist lifts the moment you attack, and victims of relentless farming can finally breathe a sigh of relief (albeit for a small fee).

The download link below remains valid, and will automatically download the updated version.


Friday, April 16, 2010

The MIST is no problem....

Hi everyone.

No one knows me.. But that will soon change.

KoC recently updated their game to thwart would-be tweakers like myself from mapping their servers.


Not only have I worked around their little ploy, I'm making it available to everyone. No gimmicks...

Download Here

You'll need Firefox and Live Http Headers (plugin). I couldn't be bothered dealing with Facebooks API right now.

Works on any server (theoretically) and saves the entire map to a CSV file of your choosing. You can use the file to create a database, Excel spreadsheet, Access table... whatever :)

All the wilds....
All the Barb camps...
See who's hiding under the mist!
oh yeah. It also exports the user id - so you can track the clowns who change their names and move around.

Hate me or love me...
Your choice.