Friday, April 16, 2010

The MIST is no problem....

Hi everyone.

No one knows me.. But that will soon change.

KoC recently updated their game to thwart would-be tweakers like myself from mapping their servers.


Not only have I worked around their little ploy, I'm making it available to everyone. No gimmicks...

Download Here

You'll need Firefox and Live Http Headers (plugin). I couldn't be bothered dealing with Facebooks API right now.

Works on any server (theoretically) and saves the entire map to a CSV file of your choosing. You can use the file to create a database, Excel spreadsheet, Access table... whatever :)

All the wilds....
All the Barb camps...
See who's hiding under the mist!
oh yeah. It also exports the user id - so you can track the clowns who change their names and move around.

Hate me or love me...
Your choice.


  1. can u see your way to automation?

  2. ok... I tried it and got an error... I copied in put it in to the app and got this error.
    Line:807 (the file location)

    Error: Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceede.
    I sent it to one of my cities... any help would be great

  3. Same Error for me on line 962...runs about .12 percent then fails every time

  4. Same thing for me, line 976 (file "koccart.exe"); error: subscript used with non-Array variable

  5. Would you be able to make this work with KoC on MySpace as well? Please =) It just gives an error message when I try.

  6. Sorry fella,

    Now neither facebook nor myspace data is recognised with your latest version when you paste in the headers. You still have a wee bug there.


  7. this is weird... as I was able to run this on 4-16 and now I get the line 978 error.

  8. ok... I got the updated version and it doesn't work...something about facebook and myspace data not recognized

  9. ok... I got the updated version and it doesn't work...something about facebook and myspace data not recognized

    the above is by using the 'old' file of march.php

    I looked, and I didn't see any file with the ending of fetchmaptiles.php.

  10. Its running super slow today. 55 mins in its just under 16%. Usually takes less than 1 hour 45 mins total. Anything they do block ya?
